December 4: Commemoration of St. Barbara

December 4: Commemoration of St. Barbara

The veneration of St. Barbara has a strong cultural history, although it is now considered doubtful whether she was a historical person. She seems to be based more in legends than in fact. Nevertheless, the December 4 commemoration marked a day of feasting in times past and continues to be observed in some parts of the world today.

7th & 8th Grade Admissions

7th & 8th Grade Admissions

In-person/pod learning for 7th & 8th Grade is open at Regina Mater for a fully Catholic, joyful curriculum. We have a limited number of spots for our 7th-8th Grade “Pod”. Whether you are new to homeschooling, looking for community, or both, we can help make the 2020-2021 school year a success! We support every kind of student including Gifted/2e learners.

A Special Message for a unique Special Guest Day

Student ambassadors of Regina Mater “hosted” a unique special guest day this year. Instead of hosting a physical day of food, tours and appreciation at the school, students wrote a script, produced and videotaped a special message about our concern for our special guests and what makes Regina Mater special whether we are near or far.

Be our guest and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea and view this sweet, honest depiction of the meaning of education and Regina Mater during this unique time.

What are you thankful for as you reflect on the past and what gifts you see during this challenging time?