Generous Donor to Match Giving for Amplify Austin

St. Paul reminded the Christians in the city of Corinth -- and reminds every one of us -- "whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come." (2 Cor. 5:17)

With that said, new things have come to Regina Mater!

We are pleased to announce that Regina Mater is listed as a participating non-profit organization for AMPLIFY AUSTIN. This time of giving is all about giving back to your community and building resilience, right where you live. It is a new way to raise awareness about our building project and the completion of the new educational community!

***A generous donor has offered to match up to $20,000 for contributions starting NOW through March 4th at 6pm. ***

You can give now at Give to Regina Mater | Amplify Austin Day 2021 ( When you give, you are entered into a drawing for additional prizes from Amplify Austin.

And MARK YOUR CALENDARS Amplify Austin officially begins on March 4th at 6pm through March 5th at 6pm when there will be videos and additional prizes. This very special opportunity will help build our campaign through your financial support and by sharing our message with your friends. Please watch for future communications about this event!

The last year has been tough. Many of us feel bruised and tired; we are ready for hope and healing for our family, friends, community and nation. Through these uncertain times, Regina Mater remains constant. We move forward in prayer and fellowship, while remaining committed to the Catholic intellectual tradition of forming gentle and caring students in Christ. Join us in this vision, now and beyond.

We look to the new year to bring peace to our hearts and strengthen our faith, as we practice that faith at the center of our families' lives.